
Over 8 million people in the UK are experiencing an anxiety disorder at any one time (Mental Health UK). You are not alone, even though it might feel like you are.

Anxiety is a common mental health condition characterised by excessive worry, fear and apprehension. It can manifest as physical symptoms like increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, and restlessness. Anxiety disorders can range from generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) to specific phobias, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder and more.

CBH offers a comprehensive approach to managing anxiety, addressing the cognitive and physiological components while leveraging the relaxation and suggestion techniques of hypnotherapy to promote positive change.

For a full list of possible techniques and interventions, see our about page.

“Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.

Keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviour.

Keep your behaviour positive, because your behaviour become your habits.

Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values.

Keep your values positive because they become your destiny.”

Mahatma Gandhi