Pain Management

CBH aims to change the perception of pain by addressing cognitive distortions and negative thought patterns associated with it.

By challenging catastrophic thinking and reframing beliefs about pain, individuals can reduce their distress and anxiety, which often exacerbate the experience of pain. Clients are educated about the nature of pain, including its physiological and psychological aspects. Understanding how pain works and the factors that influence its perception can empower individuals to take an active role in managing their pain.

Through hypnotherapy and sensory reframing, individuals can learn to reinterpret pain sensations as different sensations, such as warmth, coolness, or numbness, which can reduce the intensity of pain perception. Clients can be taught self-hypnosis techniques they can use on their own to manage pain.

It is important to note that while CBH can be beneficial for pain management, it should not replace medical treatment for underlying conditions causing pain. Individuals should consult with their healthcare providers before starting any new pain management approach.

For a full list of possible techniques and interventions, see our about page.

“In the middle of Winter, I at last discovered that there was, within me, an invincible summer.”

Albert Camus